Affiliate project

PERIOD: 2021-11-01 — 2022-10-31

LEADER: Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström


External wiki - External documentation, manuals and guides.

Internal wiki - Internal working documents.


Project Plan

Collaboration Agreement

Terms of Reference of the Reference Group

Business Case

PaRI - Nordic Pandemic Research Infrastructure


PaRI will contribute NeIC Strategic objectives, which are aligned with PaRI partners objectives, as follows :

  • Beneficial collaborations are the principal way that NeIC brings together the needs, interests and resources to create e-infrastructure to support research excellence in the Nordic region. PaRI is implementing those among Nordic and Estonian National Providers and possibly among other European countries.
  • Nordic Influence is the effect that NeIC has in improving and advancing e-infrastructure for researchers and for society. PaRI aims to enable easy and seamless access to datasets for researchers and possibly non-academic users.
  • Motivated People are essential in the collaborations and to bring the results into the research domains and society. PaRI is a collaboration of six countries being also the NeIC members (Finland collaborates as an observer) and Germany. PaRI is not tied to COVID-19, but will work on preparing the grounds and expertise for future pandemics. At the core of PaRI is also its consortium’s expertise.
  • Effective processes bind NeIC into an organization that is able to realize the benefits and influences that come from the collaborations - PaRI aims at contributing to improvement of the processes at partners organizations, e.g., dialogue between the researchers and national providers.


Core partners:

  • University of Oslo (UiO), NO
  • University of Bergen (UiB), NO
  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DK
  • Estonian Compute Infrastructure (ETAIS), EE
  • German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI), DE
  • National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS), SE

Observer partners:

  • UNINETT Sigma2, NO
  • Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), SE
  • CSC-IT Center for Science, FI