
NeIC position paper on Nordic Open Science Collaboration

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to accelerate and support the current transition to more effective Open Science and Open Innovation in the Digital Single Market. It should enable trusted access to services, systems and the re-use of shared scientific data across disciplinary, social and geographical borders.

NeIC has endorsed the general principles of the EOSC Declaration and EOSC has been discussed by the NeIC Board during 2017. Opportunities for a “Nordic open science cloud (NOSC)” are being explored to investigate the interest in a common Nordic approach. Several NeIC projects already align with the aims of EOSC, and particularly Glenna, Dellingr and Tryggve are already planning to do in the Nordics much of what EOSC is trying to do at the European scale. The NeIC Board has recommended that NeIC could be more active in marketing and branding what it already does as “Nordic Open Science Cloud”. In this way NeIC can continue the work it is already doing, at the same time offering a link to EOSC and a convergence point for Nordic efforts.

NeIC has written a position paper on what a Nordic Open Science Cloud could look like, and how NeIC could play a role in this. If you are interested in reading about NeIC’s position on the EOSC and NOSC, please have a look here.