Accessing biodiversity data through web services Get access


STATUS: Active

PROVIDED BY: Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER: doi: 10.23673/1nqw-1119 (stats / citing)

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The workshop ‘Accessing biodiversity data through web services’ focuses on automated ways of retrieving and processing biodiversity data from public databases. During the workshop, mostly R programming environment is used and common R-packages and functions are introduced to retrieve publication-quality (DOI-assigned) species occurrence data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Further we will cover the most important steps of data cleaning and filtering, including taxonomic filtering to account for the variation of species name synonyms and misspellings using the package taxise. The tutorial will also include common approaches to download occurrences of a larger taxonomic group, such as a family or order. Finally we will cover fancy plotting options to best display the retrieved biodiversity data, including plotting on interactive maps.

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