
PHASE: Finished

PERIOD: 2019-10-01 — 2021-12-31

LEADER: Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo




Web - Main output

External wiki - External documentation, manuals and guides.

Internal wiki - Internal working documents.

NDHL - Nordic Digital Humanities Laboratory


The Nordic Digital Humanities Laboratory (NDHL) will create convergence in Nordic humanities and arts e-infrastructures through a participant-driven virtual laboratory for compute- and data-intensive research. NDHL’s goals are to

  1. develop a common data, software and service stack at royal libraries and high performance computing centers across the Nordics
  2. ensure joint access to restricted and copyrighted cultural heritage data; and
  3. develop a sandbox environment which enables explorations of cultural heritage collections.

While expert users develop and manage the infrastructure, it will be open to all researchers in the Nordics.

NDHL is initiated as a NeIC pre-study in order to develop prototypes solutions, map synergies, identify stakeholder, and build an open and inclusive community.


The partners of NDHL span universities, libraries and infrastructure providers across the Nordics that join forces in order to connect humanities and arts research that rely on compute- and data-intensive applications in a stronger research community where access to and sharing of data and compute resources are made faster and more efficient through a Nordic collaboration.