Open call for collaboration meetings
NeIC invites Nordic research and e-infrastructure groups to submit a request to hold a collaboration meeting in the spring and summer of 2019. The purpose should be to increase the value of e-infrastructure related Nordic research collaboration by exploring the possibility of a submission of an open invitation for collaboration to NeIC - read more here - but other purposes that may increase Nordic added value relating to e-infrastructure may also be considered.
The meeting may be an invitation only meeting or an open meeting, with a preference for open meetings. The meeting date, topic and proposer will be publicly posted in advance on the NeIC website.
The proposer will be responsible for organizing the meeting, advertising or contacting participants, conducting the meeting and producing a roughly one page summary that will be publicly available on the NeIC website two weeks after the meeting date.
NeIC anticipates being able to provide logistical support (meeting place and limited direct expenses, excluding travel) for up to three groups to have one-day meetings in the first half of 2019. Meetings can include up to 12 participants and must represent at least three Nordic countries. A NeIC representative will also be present at the meeting as an observer. Decisions on supporting collaboration meetings are the responsibility of the NeIC Director.
Contact information: Rob Pennington, NeIC Special Advisor,