PHASE: Finished
PERIOD: 2018-04-01 — 2020-04-01
LEADER: John White
Internal wiki - Internal working documents.
The NeIC EISCAT_3D Technical support EISCAT_3D community on network, computing and storage challenges.
EISCAT_3D is an environmental research infrastructure on the European ESFRI roadmap. It is proposed as an international research infrastructure using the incoherent scatter technique to study the upper atmosphere above the Arctic in order to investigate how the Earth’s atmosphere is coupled to space. EISCAT_3D is a multi-static phased array radar system that will be installed at remote locations in the most Northern parts of the Scandinavian peninsula. The system will be operated by and be an integral part of the EISCAT Scientific Association.
The E3DDS project will design, simulate and prototype the data flow and computing workflow from the antenna arrays of the upcoming EISCAT_3D radar sites to the central storage and computing site. The project will produce a set of requirements for the amount and type of resources needed for the EISCAT_3D site and online computing. The simulation of the site and online computing and data flow will provide a practical view and experience of the software and hardware requirements. Also, the simulations will give EISCAT_3D and the National e-infrastructure providers a clearer view of the effort required for the production EISCAT_3D online computing. This will aid in the work to provide pricing levels for effort required for the EISCAT_3D online e-infrastructure. The project will give a good view of the synergies between the EISCAT_3D e-infrastructure operations and the NeIC Nordic Tier-1 Grid operations.