Affiliate project
PERIOD: 2017-01-01 — 2019-12-31
LEADER: Bjørn Lindi
The NLPL Wiki - Project wiki with pages for the different activities.
External wiki - External documents - Steering Group minutes, Work plan.
Internal wiki - Internal working documents.
About NLPL
NLPL stands for Nordic Language Prosessing Laboratory. The project’s vision is to implement a Nordic virtual laboratory for Natural Language Processing by piloting innovative ways to share HPC and data resources across country borders, by pooling competency in expert support teams and within the user community, and by enabling internationally competitive, data-intensive research and experimentation.
Recent highlights
Successfully concluded NLPL pilot cases on the new systems, Saga and Puhti, that have become operational in Norway and Finland, respectively.
As part of its ‘virtual laboratory’, NLPL prepares and maintains software and data infrastructures for (A) Collaboration and Software Management; (B) Statistical and Neural Machine Translation; (C) Data-Driven Dependency Parsing; (D) Very Large Corpora; (E) Pre-Trained Word Embeddings; (F) Automated Extrinsic Evaluation; (G) Parallel Corpora and OPUS; and (H) Community Formation and Outreach. Please see the catalogue of available software and above links for information on how to gain access to and utilize the NLPL virtual laboratory.