Building Sustainable E-Infrastructure Through Effective Handover
This blog discussed on successful project handover process
read more »New director for NeIC
Tomasz Malkiewicz has been appointed Interim Director of NeIC for the year 2025. He has worked in NeIC’s executive team since January 2017. The hosting organisation for NeIC, which has since 2012 been NordForsk, is now CSC - IT Center for Science.
read more »Nordic e-infrastructure tomorrow
The sixth NeIC conference was held on 27-29 May 2024 in Tallinn with the overarching theme “Nordic e-Infrastructure Tomorrow”. The session recordings are available online.
read more »NeIC 2023 Annual report
Since 2012, we have facilitated Nordic cooperation in new areas that are now blossoming and helped to improve skills at both a personal and an organisational level, benefitting the entire region and making NeIC an attractive environment in which to forge a career. Read about our 2023 highlights in the most recent annual report!
read more »Upcoming course: FAIR Data Stewardship
NeIC is pleased to offer a refreshed course on data management, FAIR principles, and data stewardship skills development, including exercises and practical applications. We offer a subsidised price for academic participants to the course.
read more »Upcoming lecture: Introduction to Nextflow
University of Tartu will organise a lecture focusing on Nextflow as part of their Bioinformatics course. The lecture can be attended by everyone online on Monday, 26 February.
read more »Coordination on upcoming EU calls
The NENEC network acts as an agile group of experts investigating and discussing interesting EU call opportunities, joint interests, and possible collaboration. NeIC has for the first time gathered the members of the network to discuss upcoming EU calls and potential mutual interests regarding them.
read more »One-stop service for Nordic corporate microdata
In December 2022, a new NeIC development project was introduced. The Nordic Microdata Database (NMD) project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and it works towards creating a joint Nordic database of company-level data.
read more »A triumph of collaboration and innovation: transferring the results of NICEST2
The NICEST2 project finished and entered the One-year Results-transfer period in June. This text is written together with the project manager, Anne Fouilloux.
read more »Register for Nordic CompBio Week 2023!
The Nordic Computational Biology pre-study invites you to join a new and open hybrid bioinformatics conference starting on 6 November 2023. The Nordic CompBio week is targeted towards people in the Nordic academic and industrial environment.
read more »Behind every successful NeIC project is a well-defined framework
NeIC is an international collaboration with the aim of developing best-in-class e-infrastructure services. To make sure what we do in practice aligns with our mission, we use Tietoevry’s PPS model as a framework for our activities.
read more »NeIC at the EOSC Symposium 2023
The EOSC Symposium 2023 was held in Madrid, Spain, from 20 to 22 September. NeIC organised a session with the title Trust in Sharing Sensitive Data, focusing on the governance and technical sides of working with sensitive data in a safe and ethical way.
read more »Nordic FAIR Data Stewardship Week - Oslo, 13-17 November 2023
NeIC has successfully organised multiple FAIR Data Stewardship courses. To continue this success, NeIC is organizing the first advanced course and workshop on FAIRification, FAIR Ontologies, and data modeling.
read more »NT1 activities in the international spotlight
Activities of the Nordic WLCG Tier-1 facility continues attracting international attention, and spring this year saw a number of international events with our participation.
read more »How NeIC projects’ benefits are realised
Benefit realisation is described as “the work that is carried out in order to ensure that the expected benefit is really achieved after the project deliveries have taken place”. Benefit realisation management provides a way to measure how projects add true value to the society and research, and it is something NeIC does from the very start to even beyond the end of a project.
read more »2022 Annual report
In the 2022 annual report, you will find summarised our main achievements, events, strategy implementation, and other highlights from NeIC’s tenth anniversary. We hope this report will inspire you in your work.
read more »NeIC’s footprint on the Nordics
In December 2022, we published a success story on the impact of NeIC, and it states that the impact this type of collaboration has is created not only in the actual work conducted but also in the community. This article will go more into details of the effects NeIC has had over its ten-year existence.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: Our work on sensitive health data
Working with health data poses an issue: how to share and use it for research purposes while maintaining confidentiality? Read the last success story to learn how we have contributed to cross-border sharing of sensitive health data.
read more »NeIC will contribute to the building of LUMI-Q
The EuroHPC JU has selected six sites across the European Union to host and operate new European quantum computers. The LUMI-Q project proposal is among the ones that were chosen and will bring together participants from nine countries, including most NeIC countries.
Over ten years, NeIC has grown in size and developed into an organisation with a mature and tested framework for collaboration that is valued. It benefits research and e-infrastructure collaboration by enabling knowledge sharing, increasing competencies and the quality of work and granting access to new competencies.
read more »A story of success: EOSC in the Nordics & Baltics – regional events in Tallinn
Almost 150 people registered for on-site participation across our three-day event, and to top it off, we also had remote participants. It was rewarding to see so many participants there, networking and sharing expertise. This text was originally published on the EOSC-Nordic website.
read more »PaRI’s efforts continued in the extended Affiliate Programme
When the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a worldwide pandemic, NeIC decided to launch a project to support pandemic research in the Nordics. The one-year PaRI project was initiated in November 2020 and was extended by one year in the extended Affiliate programme to continue having an impact.
read more »Nordic Microdata Database will be led by Antti Valkonen
Antti Valkonen from Aalto University has been nominated as the manager for a new NeIC project Nordic Microdata Database. The project, expected to start in December, aims at increasing the quantity of high-quality research into policy-relevant questions in economics and finance.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: Cloud computing and services
This article focuses on NeIC’s efforts in the field of cloud computing and cloud services. NeIC has facilitated Nordic collaboration in the area since 2014 through the Glenna project, which has brought benefits not only to the Nordics but also beyond.
read more »New pre-studies in NeIC’s project portfolio
We contribute to a more competitive and green Nordic Region by managing pre-studies and workshops. One started in June and focuses on energy-efficient weather predictions; two are to start in 2022-23 and work towards preserving biodiversity through improved information management of genebanks and building a community of computational biologists.
read more »Anne Fouilloux continues as manager for NICEST2
Anne Fouilloux, formerly hosted by the Department of Geosciences at University of Oslo, was chosen to continue as the project manager of NICEST2 until the end of the project in May 2023. Her new home organisation is Simula Research Laboratory.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: Cross-border collaboration on HPC
High-performance computing is essential in high-quality research and the development of society: it makes data handling more efficient and speeds up production of results. NeIC has facilitated collaboration on high-performance computing for six years.
read more »Sign up for course "An Introduction to FAIR data stewardship"
NeIC and Datability are arranging a 3-day intensive introductory course on FAIR data stewardship. The course takes place in Oslo on 8-10 November and aims at introducing the participant to the knowledge required to understand and apply the FAIR principles on data and metadata.
read more »Presenting NeIC’s Executive team
NeIC is an organisational unit under NordForsk, an organisation funding and facilitating Nordic research cooperation and research infrastructure. While NeIC’s office is located in Oslo, the management structure of NeIC is distributed. In this article, we present the people who take care of the everyday management at NeIC.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: Training that connects people
The sixth success story presents NeIC's training activities and CodeRefinery especially. They have been exemplary in connecting people and building communities, and contributed to teaching thousands of people over the years.
read more »Open manager position in new project, Nordic Microdata Database
The Nordic Microdata Database project will work to create a joint Nordic database of registry data for academic research on companies and households. We are looking for a dedicated project manager to start as soon as possible.
read more »Wanted: project manager for NICEST2
We are looking for a new project manager for NICEST2. The manager should demonstrate deep insight into the entire NICEST2 project, good knowledge of climate science, as well as the ability to promote efficient collaboration. Deadline for applications is 12 September.
read more »The Nordic-Estonian Quantum Quest has begun
In April 2022, a new project kicked off under the NeIC umbrella. NordIQuEst stands for Nordic-Estonian Quantum Computing e-Infrastructure Quest, and its purpose is to build a Nordic ecosystem that combines high-performance computing and quantum computing.
read more »Evaluation report on NeIC’s performance published
An evaluation of NeIC was conducted during the first half of 2022. The evaluation covers the period 2012–2022 and includes the operations of the Nordic WLCG tier-1 facility as well as a selection of ongoing and past projects that explore and develop innovative infrastructure services. The report is now published.
read more »We are seeking a Project Manager for NordIQuEst
The three-year project started in April 2022. The project manager is expected to commit 50% of a full-time equivalent until April-May 2025. The manager should demonstrate deep insight into the entire NordIQuEst project, and the ability to promote efficient collaboration in order to make the project highly successful.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: The Nordic Data Grid Facility
This is the fifth success story to showcase NeIC’s long-term impact on and benefits for the Nordic Region. This time, the topic is more or less the reason for NeIC’s existence: the Nordic Data Grid Facility project that is nowadays known as the operational Nordic Tier-1 activity.
read more »NeIC 2022 Conference: Nordic Models for Open Science Collaboration
The fifth bi-annual NeIC conference was held on 30.5-1.6.2022. The conference gathered around 200 participants under the same roof in Soria Moria Hotel & Conference Center, Oslo to discuss and learn about open science, e-infrastructure and working together.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration throughout the years
In this fourth success story, we get a chance to look at NeIC through the eyes of someone who knows more about the background and the current state of the collaboration than anyone else - namely NeIC's director, Gudmund Høst.
read more »Jesse Oikarinen started as Senior advisor
NeIC’s new Senior advisor, Jesse Oikarinen from CSC, started in the Executive team in early May. Oikarinen will be working mainly with opportunities to expand the Nordic e-infrastructure collaboration in new directions.
read more »Vision for Nordic Open Science Data Collaboration
This article is a statement that was presented at the NeIC 2022 Conference on Tuesday, 31 May 2022. The statement is the Conference Programme Committee’s proposal for how we, NeIC and all its stakeholders, can work together on open science.
read more »Impact of Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration
NeIC has produced and published a report that demonstrates our benefits to and impact on the Nordic Region. The report is called ‘Impact of Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration’, and it can now be read online. Physical copies will be available at the NeIC 2022 Conference.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: The Nordic-Baltic biodiversity community
Year 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary for NeIC. To celebrate this milestone, we will publish ten stories that showcase how NeIC has contributed to a more competitive Nordic Region. This time we dive into the world of biodiversity informatics with Matthias Obst.
read more »Phase 2 of Puhuri will be led by Anders Sjöström
In September 2021, it was decided that the Puhuri project would receive funding for a second phase. Puhuri2 will begin in June 2022 and have a new project manager, Anders Sjöström from LUNARC. Puhuri2 will continue the work by ensuring sustainability and adding and enhancing functionalities of the Puhuri system and increasing adoption of the services developed.
read more »Experiences from the Extended Affiliate Programme
NeIC’s Extended Affiliate Programme was launched almost a year ago, and the first project that entered it was iOBS - NeIC’s project for improved usage of observations in numerical weather prediction. Project coordinator Anette Lauen Borg and NeIC's project portfolio manager Tomasz Malkiewicz share their first experiences of the programme.
read more »TEN SUCCESS STORIES FROM TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS: FAIR data collaboration in the Nordics
Year 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary for NeIC. To celebrate this milestone, we will publish ten stories that showcase how NeIC has contributed to a more competitive Nordic Region. This story focuses on FAIR data principles and how NeIC has contributed to a more FAIR Nordic Region.
read more »Interview with Hans Eide, chair of NeIC’s board
Last June Hans Eide from Sigma2, Norway, started his two-year term as the chair of NeIC’s board. The board consists of six representatives from the national e-infrastructure provider organisations in member countries – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Year 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary for NeIC. To celebrate this milestone, we will publish ten stories that showcase how NeIC has contributed to a more competitive Nordic Region. This story focuses on the ways NeIC offers Nordic and European communities opportunities and a reliable platform to explore, develop, and deploy innovative infrastructure services.
read more »NeIC 2021 Annual report
After a somewhat turbulent 2020, 2021 did not leave us twiddling our thumbs. Instead of simply adjusting to the changes last year brought about, we did our best to leverage our potential. You can now read about NeIC's projects’ achievements, events, strategy implementation, accounts and much more in the 2021 annual report.
read more »Reminder: register for NeIC2022!
The NeIC 2022 conference will be held in Oslo, at Soria Moria Hotel and Conference Center, from 30 May to 1 June 2022. The conference title is Nordic Models for Open Science Collaboration. Registration closes on 28 March.
read more »Göran Wendin chosen as the manager for NordIQuEst
Göran Wendin from Chalmers has been selected as the manager for the new NordIQuEst project. NordIQuEst is the first NeIC project to focus on quantum computing infrastructure. The project manager is confident it will bring great new opportunities to the Nordic-Estonian region. The project is expected to begin in April 2022.
NeIC is seeking a Project Manager for its Puhuri 2 project, which is expected to start in June 2022. Deadline for applications is March 15th, 2022.
read more »Successful LUMI access for the climate community in EOSC-Nordic
From October 2021 and until April 2022 EOSC-Nordic scientist Anne Fouilloux and her team have access to LUMI and use it to do calculations for the climate use case in the EOSC-Nordic project. This article was originally published on the EOSC-Nordic website and is written by Cecilie Maagaard Winther.
read more »Register for the NeIC 2022 Conference
The NeIC 2022 conference will be held in Oslo from 30 May to 1 June 2022. The conference will be a celebration of Nordic collaboration and knowledge-sharing within e-infrastructure, bringing together experts, researchers and policy makers from all parts of the region. Registration closes on 28 March.
read more »Mari Arnesen joins the NeIC Executive team
The Administrative Coordinator is a member of the NeIC Executive team and in many ways the connection point between NeIC and the many partner organisations. Our new Administrative Coordinator has a background in psychology and experience in coordinating research and even an EU project.
read more »Open position for a Senior Advisor
We have an opening in the NeIC Executive team for a Senior Advisor. The main goal of this position is to elicit international funding opportunities in the Nordic region and the EU, with a focus on extending the opportunities for Nordic collaboration in new directions. Deadline for applications is 1 March 2022.
read more »Invitation for community-forming pre-studies & workshops 2022
NeIC invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose pre-studies or workshops within e-infrastructure of joint Nordic interest.
read more »Invitation for e-infrastructure collaboration projects 2022
NeIC invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects within e-infrastructure of joint Nordic interest.
read more »Manager wanted for new project on quantum computing
NeIC is looking for a Project Manager for the new NordIQuEst project. The three-year project is expected to start in March 2022, and we hope the successful candidate will be able to start as soon as possible. Deadline for applications is 17 December.
read more »PaRI joins the extended Affiliate Programme
The Nordic Pandemic Research Infrastructure project (PaRI) is the second NeIC project to enter the extended Affiliate Programme. The one-year PaRI project focused on facilitating Nordic research on pandemics and especially the COVID-19 pandemic. The project’s benefit realisation will be ensured through transferring the responsibility to project partners.
read more »First LUMI pilots have started
First projects begun piloting the LUMI supercomputer in October 2021. LUMI, located in Kajaani, Finland, is one of the fastest computers in the world. The first 19 projects from the Nordics and several other countries have recently received access to its computing resources. NeIC’s Puhuri project plays an important part in the LUMI infrastructure.
read more »Abdulrahman Azab starts in NeIC Executive team
Abdulrahman Azab from University of Oslo’s Center for Information Technology (USIT) has started as a Senior Advisor in the NeIC Executive team on 1 November. Azab has a long history in NeIC, and he has previously acted as the Project Manager for projects PaRI and Tryggve2.
read more »Three project proposals to enter funding negotiations
The decision on new NeIC projects to enter funding negotiations has been taken. Out of the 11 excellent project proposals that were submitted, three were considered the most feasible, most relevant and beneficial for the Nordic region and most aligned with the NeIC strategy.
read more »PaRI - NeIC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
NeIC is a collaboration that puts great emphasis on contributing to Nordic societies’ well-being and competitiveness. The Nordic Pandemic Research Infrastructure (PaRI) project has successfully worked towards more efficient collaboration in cross-border data processing between the Nordic countries.
read more »Anja Wiesbrock started as NeIC Administrative Coordinator
The NeIC Office in Oslo grew stronger in August as a new person joined the team. Anja Wiesbrock takes on the diverse tasks of the Administrative Coordinator and becomes a member of the NeIC Executive team and PM-PO, the forum of Project managers and Project Owners. Welcome to NeIC, Anja!
read more »The NeIC 2022 conference to be held in Oslo
The NeIC 2022 conference will be held in Oslo from 30.5. to 1.6.2022. 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary for NeIC, and the conference will be a celebration of Nordic collaboration and knowledge-sharing within e-infrastructure, bringing together experts, researchers and policy makers from all parts of the region.
read more »NeIC seeks a manager for the NT1 activity
NeIC is looking for an activity manager to lead the operations team that runs the Nordic distributed Tier-1 site for LHC data storage and computing. The main focus of the NT1 activity manager is to lead the team towards operating a high-quality and sustainable Nordic Tier-1 service within the WLCG. The deadline for applications is 1 September, 2021.
read more »iOBS pilots an extended NeIC Affiliate Programme
In January 2020, NeIC launched the Affiliate Programme to enhance the benefits and impacts of NeIC projects after they have been completed. All concluded NeIC projects and activities are eligible to participate. An extended Affiliate Programme will be piloted in 2021-22, with the aim of strengthening transferral of projects’ results.
read more »Open Senior Advisor position in NeIC’s Executive team
Tasks in this 80% position could include participating in project steering and portfolio management, engaging with emerging Nordic research communities with common e-infrastructure or open science needs and exploring Nordic opportunities for international collaboration. The deadline for applying is 15 August.
read more »Looking beyond the pandemic
When the coronavirus pandemic erupted in March 2020, many organisations - NeIC included - had to change their ways of working. The NeIC Director challenged NeIC project managers and project owners to look beyond the pandemic and consider the NeIC ways of working after COVID-19.
read more »NeIC 2020 Annual Report
No one could have foreseen all the exceptional events that took place in 2020. Still, the NeIC work was carried on, and we managed to have some pretty impressive achievements. You can read all about the work done in NeIC projects, strategy implementation and staff in the 2020 Annual report. We hope you will enjoy the read!
read more »High number of applications for the 2021 Open call
The NeIC Open call for development projects is our key instrument for enabling Nordic research excellence through e-infrastructure collaboration. The 2021 Open call received 11 applications for development projects and three for community-forming pre-studies.
read more »NeIC expresses interest in contributing to a competitive Nordic region
NeIC seeks continued long-term funding from 2023 by sending an expression of interest through NordForsk’s Open Invitation. This is a new approach taken by six national e-infrastructure providers to ensure continued collaboration on enabling Nordic research excellence. We encourage the national research funding agencies in the Nordics and Estonia to reinforce their support of our plan.
read more »NeIC is looking for an Advisor/Senior Advisor
The Administrative coordinator is a part of NeIC’s distributed Executive team and works with colleagues in all six member countries. In this position, you get to contribute to the coordination of one of the largest collaboration programmes in the Nordics and the development of research infrastructure. The deadline for applying is 7 March 2021.
read more »NeIC All-hands meeting 2021 held online in January
Each year around the end of January NeIC organises an All-hands meeting for its staff to meet, discuss and collaborate across project teams. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the All-hands meeting 2021 had to be held online. The event took place on January 27th and 28th and was attended by 95 participants.
read more »Project Manager for the new Heilsa Tryggvedottir project is chosen
As a result of the 2020 Open call, NeIC entered into negotiations with one new project, Heilsa Tryggvedottir. The Heilsa project will productise and build on NeIC’s Tryggve project which ran from 2014 to 2020. Anna Hagwall from NBIS, the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden, has been chosen to lead the Heilsa project.
read more »Invitation for e-infrastructure collaboration
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects within e-infrastructure (digital infrastructure) of joint Nordic interest. The proposals may also be initiated by the NeIC Provider Forum.
read more »Nordic Added Value for NeIC Collaborations
NeIC is a Nordic organization under NordForsk that coordinates efforts around research e-infrastructure in the Nordics in collaboration with the national efforts. Adding value through the incremental funding is important in deciding which collaborations NeIC should be involved with, both within the Nordics and outside the region. The additional value to the Nordic region that comes out of these efforts is what we call Nordic added value.
read more »New Project Manager and Technical lead for NT1
The Nordic WLCG Tier-1 (NT1) is a large-scale storage and computing effort that is a part of a wider international infrastructure for storage and computing called the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. In 2021, the management of the NT1 team will go through changes. Instead of having one leader, there will soon be two persons with different yet converging responsibilities and a common goal.
read more »Monica Lassi chosen as the new Senior Advisor
Monica Lassi from LUNARC has been selected as the new Senior Advisor for NeIC Executive Team. She will bring to the table a deeper understanding of and lots of experience in coordinating cross-discipline collaboration and developing research infrastructure.
read more »NeIC is seeking a Project Manager for Heilsa Tryggvedottir
NeIC is seeking a Project Manager for its Heilsa Tryggvedottir project for a collaboration on a Nordic sensitive health research data infrastructure, which is expected to be launched in January 2021.
read more »Report on NeIC’s Implementation of the Nordic e-Science Action Plan 2.0
This document reports on the work by NeIC from 2016 through most of 2020 on the Nordic e-Science Action Plan, 2.0, which has ten concrete actions in e-science and e-infrastructure intended to spur “action to maintain and further strengthen the competitiveness of Nordic eScience and education.
read more »The FAIR Data Stewardship training kicked off this week
The course, organised by NeIC, CSC, SNIC and SND, will run over five weeks (equivalent to 5 days) and will provide the much needed foundational skills for competent data stewards and data managers in the Nordic countries with knowledge of the FAIR principles and their application.
read more »NeIC is seeking a Technical Lead for its NT1 activity
NeIC is looking for a technical lead for the distributed Nordic Tier-1 (NT1) site for LHC data storage and computing. The main focus of the NT1 technical lead is to define the technical directions that enable the NT1 to continue to deliver reliable and efficient services marked by excellent user satisfaction. The deadline to apply is 8th November.
read more »NeIC is seeking a manager for its NT1 activity
NeIC is looking for an activity manager to lead the operations team that runs the Nordic distributed Tier-1 site for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data storage and computing. The deadline to apply is 8th November.
read more »NeIC is seeking new senior advisors for its Executive Team
NeIC is looking for one or two Senior Advisers at 60-80% to strengthen and renew its Executive Team. The deadline to apply is 8th November.
read more »The Nordic Digital Humanities Laboratory
The Nordic Digital Humanities Laboratory (NDHL) is an pan-Nordic infrastructure and research collaboration between research groups, data and infrastructure providers that work to advance the use of data-intensive methods and interactive High Performance Computing in Humanities and Arts.
read more »Society, Ethics and Sustainability in the NeIC context
For the strategic period 2020–2025 the NeIC Board decided to put emphasis on Society, Ethics and Sustainability as a mechanism to define and clarify NeIC’s role especially in the Nordic region. The NeIC policy on Society, Ethics and Sustainability outlines the concept of Society, Ethics and Sustainability in the NeIC context and initiates a discussion on how to consider and act on this priority.
read more »NeIC is seeking a Project Manager for its project on Pandemic Research Infrastructure
NeIC is seeking a Project Manager for its PaRI (Pandemic Research Infrastructure) project, which is expected to be launched in October/ November 2020. NeIC PaRI project will focus on the collection and use of data in connection with research in COVID-19 and other pandemics. By embracing/aligning with other European COVID-19 initiatives, the project will facilitate COVID-19 and other pandemic research for Nordic researchers.
read more »Better science through better software
Computers are everywhere, and just like so many other parts of our lives, academia is becoming increasingly digitalized and computer-aided. Scientists rely heavily on computation, and studies show that more than half of all scientists across science domains write their own code, ranging from short scripts to highly advanced and complex protocols.
read more »The Pandemic Research Infrastructure (PaRi) project invited to negotiate research funding
Recently, the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) invited a research project, that will focus on the collection and use of data in connection with research in COVID-19 and other pandemics, to negotiate about research funding.
read more »Building a bridge to the LUMI supercomputer
This week we launched the new Puhuri project. Invisible helper, gatekeeper, and accountant rolled into one: The Puhuri project aims at making it easier for researchers to access and use the new pre-exascale LUMI supercomputer.
read more »Open positions within our Nordic Tier-1 activity
NeIC is looking for a Storage Monitoring Expert and a Storage Developer to work together with the operations team that runs the Nordic distributed Tier-1 site for LHC data storage and computing.
read more »Getting the Beast to behave
Climate models, the hyper-complex calculators climate scientists use to investigate past, present and future climates, are good at showing the big picture. But we also need regional and local models with the highest possible accuracy, for researchers to work on and for decision-makers to use. That is what the NICEST2 project wants to accomplish for the Nordic region.
read more »The EISCAT_3D Data Solutions project has ended
NeIC’s EISCAT_3D Data Solutions (E3DDS) project has come to its end. The project started in 2018, and during its lifespan a lot has been achieved. This article allows us to look back at what’s been done and outline E3DDS’s significance to and in the Nordics.
read more »Vikings and clouds- the Nordic journey towards data-driven science
The Nordics are contributing to realising the EOSC vision, using the region as a test bed, building on the well-established Nordic tradition for cross-border sharing and collaborating.
read more »The unique Nordic section of the world’s largest computing grid
The Nordic Tier-1 may deliver the blueprint for handling the data tsunami coming from the upgraded Large Hadron Collider
read more »NeIC 2019 Annual Report
To share with you all the things we have been up to in 2019 we have created the NeIC 2019 Annual Report. We hope you will enjoy the read!
read more »Call for proposals for e-Infrastructure supporting COVID-19 related research
The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) invites representatives of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose a collaboration project to offer e-Infrastructure in support of Nordic research related to SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 disease. The deadline for the call is 4th May 2020 at 13:00 CEST.
read more »Nordic e-Infrastructure actions against COVID-19
Providers of e-infrastructure in the Nordic and Baltic regions are getting engaged in the fight against the pandemic to support in the ways they can. We have collected an overview over some of the supportive measures taken by our partners across the region.
read more »Anne Claire Fouilloux the new Project Manager for NICEST2
Meet our new NICEST2 Project Manager, Anne Claire Fouilloux from the University of Oslo.
read more »Presenting NeIC projects: iOBS
NeIC’s iOBS project started in January 2019. The name iOBS stands for Improved Observation Usage in Numerical Weather Prediction, and the purpose of the project is to provide research support for United Weather Centres (UWC), a cooperation on numerical weather prediction between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
read more »Jarno Laitinen the new Project Manager for Puhuri
Jarno Laitinen has been selected as the Project Manager for the Puhuri project. Puhuri will work to enable cross-border service access for Nordic scientists, and the first focus is Nordic access to the LUMI large scale HPC system resources. The 2-year project is expected to be launched in June 2020.
read more »Abdulrahman Azab the new Tryggve Project Manager
The project manager for Tryggve changes at the start of March 2020, as Abdulrahman Azab from USIT, University of Oslo starts in the role. Azab has been part of the project team since the start of Tryggve1 project, and part of the Tryggve2 project management team from 2017.
read more »The Glenna2 project is ending
As we’re leaving 2019 and the whole decade behind, we’re also saying goodbye to a few NeIC projects that are expiring. One of the soon to be completed projects is Glenna2. This article allows us to look back at what’s been done and outline Glenna’s significance to and in the Nordics.
read more »The Nordic e-Infrastructure Services list published
In January 2020, NeIC published the Nordic e-Infrastructure Services list. The list aims at making Nordic services better discoverable and accessible for researchers in the Nordics and Estonia, EU and beyond.
read more »Estonia joined the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration
On Tuesday 11th February, the agreement for Estonia to join the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration NeIC was signed at the Delta Centre in Tartu. This agreement gives Estonian research infrastructures the possibility to maintain and enhance their competitiveness and do more international cooperation.
read more »Open Project Manager positions in Puhuri & NICEST2
NeIC is looking for two Project Managers for its two new projects, Puhuri and NICEST2. The projects will start in 2020. Puhuri will work to enable seamless cross-border service access for Nordic scientists. NICEST2 is a continuation of NeIC’s NICEST project. We encourage both current NeIC staff and new candidates to apply.
read more »The I-SCAN study as a Tryggve use case
I-SCAN is a study exploring the risk of cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. There has been a belief that patients with IBD have an increased risk of cancer, but studies have shown that for many patients it may not be increased at all. The collaborative project, with the help of Tryggve, takes advantage of the Nordic registries and aims to give updated and valid estimates of cancer risk in IBD.
read more »The Dellingr project is ending
As we’re leaving 2019 and the whole decade behind, we’re also saying goodbye to a few NeIC projects that are expiring. One of these soon to be completed projects is Dellingr. This article allows us to look back at what’s been done and outline Dellingr’s significance to and in the Nordics.
read more »Invitation for e-infrastructure collaboration
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects within e-infrastructure (digital infrastructure) of joint Nordic interest. The proposals may also be initiated by the NeIC Provider Forum.
read more »NeIC welcomes Estonia as a new member
We are delighted to welcome Estonia as a member to NeIC. Estonia will now participate on equal footing with the current NeIC members - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden - and will have a seat at the NeIC Board.
read more »Open Project Manager position in Tryggve2
NeIC is looking for a Project Manager for the Tryggve2 project. Tryggve offers a Nordic platform for collaboration on sensitive data by utilizing and connecting existing capabilities and services in the Nordic countries. The project is funded by NeIC and the ELIXIR nodes in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
read more »FAIR Data Stewardship course
We invite you to the third Nordic course on FAIR Data Stewardship, hosted and sponsored by NeIC, SNIC & SND in Sweden. The event takes place in Uppsala during 5-9 oktober 2020.
read more »First CMIP6 data, generated in Nordic collaboration, is published
The sixth phase of the WCRP sponsored international programme is now underway with the WCRP Grand Science Challenges as its scientific backdrop. The first CMIP6 data generated by Nordic research groups was published in June this year on the SMHI-NSC ESGF data node.
read more »Open Linux sysadmin position in NeIC
NeIC is looking for a System Administrator to work in the operations team that runs the Nordic distributed Tier-1 site for LHC data storage and computing.
read more »NordForsk call for proposals on Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs
NordForsk is issuing a call for proposals for Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs. The call has a budget of NOK 17 million and the deadline for the call for proposals is 22 October 2019.
read more »Open Science makes the world a fairer place
The value of Nordic and international cooperation around Open Science was discussed at the major NeIC 2019 conference Nordic Infrastructure for Open Science, held recently in Copenhagen. In connection with the conference, one of the pioneers of Nordic cooperation stated in an interview with NordForsk that Open Science makes the world a fairer place, where it is no longer just the wealthy who benefit from research.
read more »Hans Karlsson new Chair of the NeIC Board
Hans Karlsson, Director of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), will serve a two-year term from the 14th June 2019. Hans Eide from UNINETT Sigma2 was elected Vice-Chair.
read more »FAIR Data Stewardship course
NeIC and DM-Forum in Denmark are jointly hosting the second Nordic course FAIR Data Stewardship on 18-22 November 2019, this time in Copenhagen.
read more »New course on Machine Learning in biodiversity science established
In May 2019, the University of Aarhus organized a workshop on 'Machine Learning for Biologists’, a three-day meeting designed to answer to the fast-growing demand for Machine Learning applications in Ecology and Biodiversity Informatics.
read more »Invitation for e-Infrastructure Collaboration
NeIC invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects within e-infrastructure (digital infrastructure) of joint Nordic interest.
read more »NeIC 2018 annual report
A lot of exciting new developments took place during 2018, which will help shape the way the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) works in the years to come. You can read more about what took place within NeIC in our 2018 annual report.
read more »Dellingr test of a cross-border resource sharing framework
Following the successful first cross-border resource sharing pilot, the NeIC Dellingr project is pleased to announce a further test of a cross-border resource sharing framework.
read more »Towards NeIC2019: Interview with Christine Kirkpatrick
NeIC2019 takes place at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen, 14-16th May. One of the four Keynote spekers is Christine Kirkpatrick, who represents the San Diego Supercomputing Center. At the conference, she will be talking about Open Science in the US.
read more »Staff Exchange – Juha Törnroos
Juha Törnroos participated in a staff exchange last year and worked in Barcelona for eight months. Juha is working in ELIXIR Finland and collaborated with the Spanish ELIXIR Node. He also works in the NeIC Tryggve project funded by NeIC and the ELIXIR nodes of participating countries.
read more »Towards NeIC2019: Interview with Jørn Kristiansen
NeIC2019 takes place at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen, 14-16th May. One of the Keynote speakers at the conference is Jørn Kristiansen, the director of Development Centre for Weather Forecasting at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
read more »Invitation for e-Infrastructure Collaboration
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects within e-infrastructure (digital infrastructure) of joint Nordic interest.
read more »Towards NeIC2019: Interview with Anders Løland
NeIC2019 takes place at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen, 14-16th May. One of the Keynote speakers at the conference is Anders Løland from Norsk Regnesentral (Norwegian Computing Center).
read more »Towards NeIC2019: Interview with Hilary Hanahoe
NeIC2019 takes place at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen, 14-16th May. One of the Keynote speakers at the conference is the Secretary General of RDA, Hilary Hanahoe.
read more »Open call for collaboration meetings
NeIC invites Nordic research and e-infrastructure groups to submit a request to hold a collaboration meeting in the spring and summer of 2019.
read more »We're looking for an Advisor / Senior Advisor
Do you have good understanding of research and research infrastructure as well as interest in Nordic cooperation?
read more »EOSC-Nordic proposal awarded funding from the European Commission
We are delighted to announce that the EOSC-Nordic proposal has been awarded funding from the European Commission. NeIC will be the coordinator of the EOSC-Nordic project and also lead a Work Package on FAIR data.
read more »Pre-announcement: Open invitation for collaboration
Our plan is to invite e-Infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects within digital infrastructure of joint Nordic interest.
read more »Registration for NeIC2019 is now open!
NeIC2019 is this year hosted by DeiC and will take place at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen, 14- 16th May.
read more »FAIR data stewardship: Supporting FAIR data interoperability
This 4-day course is a fully fledged training event which will provide the much needed foundational skills for competent data stewards and data managers in the Nordic countries with knowledge of the FAIR principles and their application.
read more »Private weather observations to be integrated into forecasting
Why should weather forecasts be based solely on observations coming from “official” weather stations, when there are millions of connected devices out there measuring surface pressure? Observations from the “Internet of things”, such as intelligent cars, phones, buildings and personal weather stations could be added to the mix, to provide even more detailed information on local to hyper-local meteorological phenomena.
read more »New Communications Officer position open within NeIC
NeIC is seeking a Communications Officer and/or Web Developer to fill one or more 20-40% positions
read more »New report on The State of Open Science in the Nordic Countries
The report on The State of Open Science in the Nordic Countries: Enabling Data Science in the Nordic Region, written by Andreas Jaunsen on behalf NeIC, seeks to identify activities that can help to improve the conditions and means for enabling data-driven science in the Nordics.
read more »FAIR Awareness Day: Towards Automatic Data Re-Use
FAIR Data is data that is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable by computers. This full day seminar provides an introduction to what the FAIRification of (research) data entails, how it promotes open science (Open by default, closed as necessary) and why this is part of good practice in Data Stewardship.
read more »Improved Observation Usage in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP): the iOBS Project
As a follow up to the work members of the first Glenna project performed together with experts at FMI, Met.Norway and SMHI to cloudify a scaled down numerical weather prediction (NWP) code, we will continue the collaboration with the same partners in a new project called iOBS, funded by Nordforsk and managed by NeIC.
read more »Update from the Nordic High Performance Computing & Applications Workshop in Iceland
On 13-15 June 2018, the University of Iceland hosted the 2nd Nordic High Performance Computing & Applications Workshop, a three-day event featuring HPC experts and domain scientists from Iceland, the U.S. and Germany, talking about topics ranging from project experiences to technology tutorials.
read more »DeepDive - improving biodiversity e-Infrastructures by collaboration
The Nordic-Baltic Collaboration on e-Infrastructures for Biodiversity Informatics (DeepDive) research project is seeking to find solutions to access to data across countries by facilitating and intensifying collaboration in the Nordic-Baltic region. The project was started in 2017 with partners from Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland and Sweden.
read more »Dates announced for the NeIC2019 conference
In 2019, the three-day event will take place in Copenhagen between 14- 16th May. NeIC2019 will be hosted by NeIC and DeiC, and organised in collaboration with CSC, RHnet, SNIC and UNINETT Sigma2.
read more »NeIC 2017 Annual Report
To share with you all the things we have been up to in 2017 we have created the NeIC 2017 Annual Report. We hope you will enjoy the read!
read more »NeIC welcomes a new member to the board
NeIC is pleased to announce that Hans A. Eide (Sigma2) will be the Norwegian representative on the NeIC board from June 2018.
read more »NICEST ESGF workshop at NSC
NSC hosted the NICEST ESGF Workshop from 22 through 24th May, with the aim to impart hands-on training in ESGF installation, certificate management, and datanode configuration for data publication.
read more »NICEST at CMIP workshop in Bergen
Klaus Zimmermann of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute lectured on ESMValTool at a workshop on using the upcoming CMIP6 data at the Bjerknes centre in Bergen, Norway.
read more »The Open Call for Letters of Interest for Collaboration is now closed
NeIC is preparing a new five-year strategic plan for 2020-2025. In relation to this, NeIC gathered information throughout 2018 about the directions and goals for e-infrastructure in the Nordic region. The deadline was the 15th of May.
read more »How do you create a NeIC identity?
To be able to answer the question “How do you create a NeIC identity” it is important to identify what the NeIC identity actually is. What does it mean to be a member of NeIC, and how does the NeIC identity either complement or clash with local organisational identities?
read more »How do we build a Nordic-wide community of scientific software developers, application experts and other e-science experts?
This blog post is the result of the speed blogging session during NeIC All Hands Meeting 2018, where participants were given one hour to collaboratively write an opinion piece on various subject matters.
read more »Two new members joining the NeIC Executive Team
During May this year we will welcome two new members to the NeIC Executive Team, increasing our capacity in the areas of eScience, strategy and funding.
read more »The Nordic Language Processing Laboratory
The Nordic Language Processing Laboratory (NLPL) is a Nordic collaborative research project under the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). The project is seeking to train the next generation of scientists to work on the language technology on which services such as Google Translate and Siri (Apple’s speech-recognition programme) are based.
read more »NeIC position paper on Nordic Open Science Collaboration
NeIC has written a position paper on what a Nordic Open Science Cloud could look like, and how NeIC could play a role in this. If you ar interested in reading about NeIC's position on EOSC and NOSC, please have a look here.
read more »NeIC calls for Letters of Interest for Collaboration and Requests for Information
NeIC will be gathering information throughout 2018 about the directions and goals for e-infrastructure in the Nordic region. We are inviting input and suggestions from the Nordic research and e-infrastructure communities in two ways, one for information that will be used by NeIC in the short term (2-3 years) and one for information that will be useful in the longer term (>5 years).
read more »Scallop - A Tryggve use case on analysing genetic and medical data
Imagine that you had access to genetic and medical data from thousands of patients with various medical backgrounds, but you lacked an adequate way to work with the data across borders. Read about Tryggve helped the Scallop consortium over these challenges.
read more »All Hands Meeting 2018
Last week saw the completion of another successful AHM meeting for NeIC.
read more »Nordic High Performance Computing & Applications Workshop
In August 2017, the University of Iceland held a successful Nordic High Performance Computing & Applications Workshop in Reykjavík with participants from across the Nordics.
read more »Tryggve2 kick-off meeting building sensitive data infrastructure for research
The second term of Nordic Tryggve collaboration on cross-border services for sensitive biomedical research data – Tryggve2 – was officially launched in Stockholm on 7–8 November, 2017.
read more »Andreas Jaunsen New Data Management Specialist
NeIC has appointed Andreas Jaunsen to the role of Data Management Specialist.
read more »NeIC established MoU with ETAIS
We are thrilled to announce that NeIC has officially established a memorandum of understanding with The Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure (ETAIS)
read more »Open call for course mobility and travel grants now available
You can now apply for travel grants offered by NeIC's Ratatosk Travel Mobility Enhancement Programme as well as submit a proposal to the Open Call on Course Mobility.
read more »Chandan Basu new Project Manager for Earth System Modelling project
NeIC has engaged Chandan Basu as project manager for NICEST, its project on Earth System Modelling. This project will strengthen the Nordic ESM community by efficiently using various e-infrastructures through competence building, and sharing and exchanging knowledge.
read more »NeIC awarded funding from the Research Council of Norway
NeIC, together with Sigma2, is one of 19 projects (out of 92 applicants) who have been invited to contract negotiations with the Research Council of Norway."
read more »NeIC Dellingr Project opens the resource-sharing pilot
Through Dellingr NeIC will work with the national e-infrastructure providers to define a functional framework for resource sharing that will recognize and build upon the unique strengths of each provider to advance research in each of the respective countries and within the Nordic region overall.
read more »NeIC welcomes its new Chair
Dr Steen Pedersen, Director of DeIC, appointed as Chair of NeIC Board will serve s two-year term starting 15th June 2017, with Gunnar Bøe, Managing Director of UNINETT Sigma2, elected as chair-in-elect.
read more »NeIC reveals its new Human Resource policy
Part of NeIC’s co-funding and collaboration strategy is to bring together highly competent staff from the local eInfrastructure providers in the Nordic countries to tackle eInfrastructure challenges beyond what is currently possible on individual national scales. In keeping with the NeIC2020 strategy implementation plan, NeIC has achieved one of its milestones and drawn up a human resource policy to facilitate this.
read more »Saving lives with a secure system for sharing biomedical data
Before: Biomedical researchers often exchanged sensitive data about people’s health between institutions or across borders via poorly protected means such as USB drives or CDs sent via registered mail. Now: Researchers can exchange data at great speed – and save more lives – via a secure Nordic data sharing service.
read more »Building a cloud for Nordic researchers
Researchers across the Nordic region are starting to enjoy a new “elastic” cloud computing infrastructure from where they can collaborate and share systems and resources. The Glenna project has already supported the development of both a Norwegian and a Danish national cloud service into true Nordic services, and more services are in the pipeline.
read more »NeIC 2017: Crossing boundaries - changing the world
More than 200 technical experts, researchers, and decision-makers in computing and storage joined forces at the NeIC 2017 conference. The event took place in Umeå, Sweden from 29 May – 1 June and included both workshops and conference sessions with high-profile speakers from academia and industry.
read more »New Project Management positions open within Earth System Modelling and Biodiversity
NeIC is looking for one or two Project Managers for our Biodiversity Informatics and Earth System Modelling projects that will work to facilitate and intensify collaboration on e-infrastructure in these fields.
read more »John White new Dellingr Project Manager
Through Dellingr NeIC will work with the national e-infrastructure providers to define a functional framework for resource sharing that will recognize and build upon the unique strengths of each provider to advance research in each of the respective countries and within the Nordic region overall.
read more »The most successful distributed environment I’ve encountered
“The Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) has developed the most successful distributed environment I’ve ever worked in,” states Jon Kerr Nilsen of the University Center for Information Technology (USIT) at the University of Oslo. He is so pleased with the NeIC system that he intends to replicate it to a large degree when designing a High Performance Computing operations environment between four Norwegian universities.
read more »Tryggve2 increases Nordic efforts within e-Infrastructure for sensitive data
At its meeting on 16 March, the NeIC Board agreed to extend the Tryggve collaboration into a new three-year project – Tryggve2. The plan is to launch Tryggve2 on 21 October 2017, directly following the current project period.
read more »The smartest storage for the world’s largest data volumes
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider is the world’s largest, most complex experimental facility, generating the world’s largest data volumes. This calls for extremely smart data handling and storage solutions, and one of the smartest is distributed between four Nordic countries.
read more »Studying dark matter
“The Nordic Data Grid Facility works so well that it has become one of the most efficient of all the Tier 1 facilities,” says Professor Farid Ould-Sadaa at the University of Oslo. He analyses data from CERN and the Large Hadron Collider in a quest to solve one of the largest remaining mysteries in science: the nature of dark matter.
read more »Better software leads to better science
Software and computing skills have become essential in most fields of research, but researchers are often struggling with software that is unnecessarily complex and therefore not sustainable. But help is at hand, in the shape of workshops that promote better software development practices in scientific communities across the Nordic countries.
read more »New report: Ethical review, data protection and biomedical research in the Nordic countries – a legal perspective
The latest NordForsk Policy Paper gives an overview of the existing legislation in the Nordic countries regarding the collection and re-use of health-related personal data in medical research.
read more »#NeIC2017 now open for registration
Building on the enthusiasm from the first two Nordic e-Infrastructure Conferences in 2013 and 2015, we are happy to announce the next NeIC Conference, to be hosted by NeIC and SNIC at the Umeå Folkets Hus.
read more »Tomasz Malkiewicz new member of the NeIC Executive Management team
Tomasz will be part of the NeIC Executive Team, where he will help implement strategy, contribute to future strategy development, coordinate NeIC’s activities on resource sharing and sensitive data collaboration, and initiate new technical projects.
read more »Kine Nordstokkå new NeIC coordinator
Kine will work at the NeIC secretariat in Oslo to coordinate and support the growing portfolio of projects and NeIC team across the Nordic region.
read more »Tryggve takes care of sensitive data
Researchers seeking to share biomedical data between Nordic countries face both technical and legal hurdles. The joint Nordic project Tryggve offers services that address these challenges by allowing researchers to process and share data securely across national borders.
read more »Genetics and environment across borders
What are the roles played by environmental and genetic factors in the development of schizophrenia? This question is being examined by an interdisciplinary team of researchers in five different countries. The Tryggve secure IT-based system has been vital in enabling researchers to share data across borders.
read more »The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is seeking a Training Programme Manager
NeIC is looking for a Training Programme Manager to develop and facilitate the implementation of a Nordic training programme for technical staff in the Nordic e-infrastructure community.
read more »The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is seeking Resource Sharing Project Manager
NeIC is looking for a Project Manager to implement a main component of the NeIC strategy. The envisioned outcome of the resource sharing project is a set of e-infrastructure policies, common processes and associated framework that forms a Nordic platform for providing services to share resources in an effective and consistent manner.
read more »The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is seeking NeIC Storage Specialist
NeIC is looking for a Storage Specialist to strengthen the Nordic Tier-1 team. As member of a dynamic virtual team you will have a variety of challenging tasks and involve extensive contact with research groups and specialist communities in the Nordic countries and internationally.
read more »The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is seeking NeIC Coordinators and Project Managers
NeIC is looking for the next generation of entrepreneurs to foster the Nordic e-infrastructure community. We are aiming to reinvigorate and diversify our team and we encourage both current NeIC staff and new candidates to apply.
read more »Nordic model offers unique set of competencies in large data set analysis
Although it might be more cost-effective to consolidate six Nordic computing centres into one, the Nordic distributed model also provides a unique set of competencies, new evaluation report concludes
read more »Joint Nordic training: Improve your e-Skills
To make the most of our e-infrastructure resources in the Nordic countries, NeIC has launched a coordinated Nordic calendar indicating when and where you can find events to improve your skills. An easy and simple tool to use.
read more »Glenna F2F meeting held in Kastrup
During this year's Glenna F2F meeting demonstrations and hands-on tutorials of Cloud services available so far were held.
read more »Dates announced for the NeIC 2017 Conference
Save the date: The next NeIC conference will be held in Umeå on 29 May – 1 June 2017.
read more »A Nordic accounting system for Grid & HPC systems
The NeIC project SGAS is an accounting system for Grid and HPC systems that began as part of the Swedish Grid project SweGrid. The project was completed 30 September 2015
read more »Enhancing eInfrastructures for wild animal research
A Biotelemetry Sensor Data Workshop was held in Uppsala in November 2015 as part of the effort to enhance Nordic collaboration on how to handle data from sensors mounted on wild animals.
read more »Intensifying collaboration on the EISCAT_3D eInfrastructure
On 5 November 2015, the NeIC EISCAT_3D Support (E3DS) project hosted a meeting in Stockholm, where stakeholders from the Nordic countries gathered to update one another on the status of EISCAT_3D, the progress of the E3DS project and the eInfrastructure roadmaps of providers of network, storage and computing resources.
read more »How do Nordic researchers use supercomputing resources?
In the report “Cognitus, a Science Case for High Performance Computing in the Nordic Region”, Dr Rob Pennington has analyzed the use of high performance computing facilities and resources among Nordic researchers. He found that the research in the Nordic region that depends on computational capabilities is “clearly internationally competitive.”
read more »New ideas to develop e-infrastructure for Nordic biodiversity
On 26/27 August 2015, biodiversity researchers and service developers gathered in Oslo to present scientific use cases and to discuss opportunities for Nordic collaboration on advancing e-Infrastructure and its use beyond what is possible at the national level.
read more »New NeIC board appointed
1 June 2015 the NordForsk board appointed a new NeIC board.
read more »Josep Flix engaged as WLCG specialist
Josep Flix, Port d’Informaciò Cientifica (PIC) is engaged as external consultant/e-infrastructure specialist on WLCG Operations.
read more »Large turnout for NeIC 2015
Building on the success of the inaugural conference in 2013, the 2015 version of the Nordic e-Infrastructure Conference attracted more than 180 scientists, experts, and decision makers.
read more »New report on high performance computing in the Nordics
Nordic researchers are becoming increasingly dependent on digital research infrastructure.
read more »Nordic-Baltic e-Infrastructure collaboration on the agenda
NeIC2015 conference is soon to begin - Frank Hanssen from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research will talk on collaboration within biodiversity informatics.
read more »13 days to go – registration open until Sunday 26 April
NeIC2015 conference – Nordic Collaboration for Global Excellence is coming up soon! Nearly 200 participants have registered, and registration is open until Sunday 26 April.
read more »NeIC is looking for WLCG specialist
We have an open position for an external consultant/e-infrastructure specialist on WLCG Operations. Apply before 3 May 2015.
read more »All Hands Meeting 2015
The first NeIC All Hands Meeting gathered 47 people at Skeikampen, 27.-30. January.
read more »John White new NeIC project manager for the Supporting EISCAT_3D-project
NeIC has hired Geneva-based physicist John White to support EISCAT_3D in meeting its e-Infrastructure and e-Science needs.
read more »Registration now open: NeIC2015 conference
NeIC will 5-8 May 2015 host the second conference on e-infrastructure: Nordic Collaboration for Global Excellence.
read more »Glenna Project has started: Let’s create a Nordic cloud
The Glenna project was launched 3 November in Arlanda, Stockholm. Project Manager Dan Still invited a total of 13 participants from the five Nordic countries to attend the kick-off meeting.
read more »Opening in the clouds
Meet Dan Still. He is the newest member of the NeIC team and is responsible for the Glenna project. Glenna is Icelandic for “opening in the clouds” - a poetic way to designate the coming Nordic Cloud.
read more »The Tryggve project is underway
On 21 and 22 October 2014, project leader Antti Pursula hosted the kick-off conference for the Tryggve project at the Technical University of Denmark.
read more »Thomas Röblitz new Area Coordinator for Environmental Sciences
Thomas Röblitz is located at the University of Oslo, University Center for Information Technology (USIT), and holds a 80% position at NeIC. He was educated at Humboldt University in Berlin, and holds a PhD in Computer Science focusing on Grid Resource management. Thomas has extensive experience in researching, designing, developing and operating distributed e-Infrastructures for scientists in Norway, the Nordics and Europe. He is currently coordinating USIT's HPC compute area which serves local, national and internation scientists from various desciplines.
read more »NeIC 2020 co-funding proposal
In 2013, the research funding agencies and NordForsk signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that provides the framework for 10 more years of e-Infrastructure collaboration under the NeIC umbrella. Furthermore, the funding agencies requested a funding plan for 2016-2020.
read more »Extended deadline: Project manager/e-infrastructure specialist for EISCAT_3D support
EISCAT_3D is an environmental research infrastructure on the European ESFRI roadmap, and NeIC is seeking a project manager/e-infrastructure specialist who can support the EISCAT_3D project in dealing with e-infrastructure challenges.
read more »Engaged discussions at the Nordic accounting workshop 2014 in Uppsala
Lively discussions on hot topics as energy-, GPU/Accelerator- and Cloud accounting have been held at this year's Nordic accounting workshop.
read more »Let it grow
On 23–25 September 2014 NORDUnet hosted its 28th NORDUnet Conference in Uppsala, bringing together networking and cloud computing experts and users. NeIC’s Director Gudmund Høst presented the NeIC business model, focusing on the human factor. And precisely in the spirit of enhancing human relations between their organisations, NeIC and NORDUnet met for a working lunch.
read more »Small files – Big impact: B2Share Nordic
The need for storing scientific data grows rapidly along with the technological development. The need to store in the easiest and most accessible way grows too. B2Share is an answer to this need.
read more »Rob Pennington joins the NeIC team
NCSA deputy director Rob Pennington has joined the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration team as a special advisor from Sept. 15. While at NeIC, Rob will lead efforts to develop the Nordic scientific case for large-scale high-performance computing.
read more »NOK 500 000 in NordForsk funding for Nordic software solution
The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) is an Open Source software solution that facilitates researcher participation in CERN's Large Hadron Collider experiments, among other applications.
read more »Dejan Vitlacil joins the NeIC Executive Team
Dejan Vitlacil is engaged as temporary NeIC Generic Area Coordinator from October 1st.
read more »NeIC is seeking Nordic WLCG Tier-1 system administrators
Do you want to be a part of our team? NeIC is seeking two new system administrators to join the virtual NT1 team.
read more »Letters of interest have now been published
The letters of Interest received by the deadline on May 15 2014 has now been published. NeIC received a total of 10 Letters of Interest, and these will form valuable input to the development of our new funding plan.
read more »NeIC is seeking Area Coordinator
Do you want to be a part of our team? NeIC is seeking a new area coordinator who can further develop the Generic Area as well as coordinate existing projects.
read more »NeIC seeking input for new funding plan
The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is drawing up its new five-year funding plan, to start in 2016, and is seeking input through Letters of Interest from the research community on priority areas on which to focus.
read more »NeIC 2015 conference
The NeIC 2015 Conference is scheduled for 5-8. May 2015 in Espoo, Finland.
read more »A delicate balance between securing and sharing data
NeIC has recently hired Antti Pursula to coordinate the Tryggve Project – an ambitious project designed to develop simpler, safer, e-infrastructure services for researchers to improve our quality of life. Mr Pursula is employed by CSC in Finland, and will continue to have his office there. In this interview he explains the Tryggve Project.
read more »New NeIC project leader for sensitive BMS data
Antti Pursula has accepted the position as NeIC project leader for sensitive BMS data. Antti currently works as Project Director for Research Infrastructures at CSC – IT Center for Science. Antti's tentative starting date is February 1st, 2014. The NeIC project on sensitive data for BMS (Tryggve) is a collaboration between NeIC and the ELIXIR-nodes in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
read more »NeIC at the EGI Community Forum 2014
NeIC will participate at the EGI Community Forum 19 to 23 May 2014.
read more »NeIC is seeking a project leader for sensitive BMS data
Do you want to be a part of our team? NeIC is seeking a project leader to drive the development of a Nordic platform for sensitive data in bio- and medical sciences.
read more »The NeIC is seeking an SGAS Software Developer
Do you want to be a part of our team? The NeIC is seeking an expert who can deliver maintenance and development of the SGAS project.
read more »NeIC BMS meeting the 2 July 2013 for secure storage and computation on sensitive data
Do you work with sensitive data? Your ideas for developing the area are much welcome!
read more »Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration Conference 13-16 May 2013 in Trondheim
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration: Lessons, Opportunities and Future Directions
read more »Do we make the best use of PRACE?
An evaluation of the Nordic use of PRACE will be proposed this August
read more »Discussions on e-Infrastructure in Trondheim
Questions on e-Infrastructure were discussed on the conference “Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration: Lessons, Opportunities and Future Directions” 15-16 May 2013 in Trondheim. NeIC held the conference in cooperation with CSC - IT Center for Science, DeIC, NORDUnet, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, RHnet, Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing and UNINETT Sigma. 160 researchers, policy makers and R&D industry representatives participated.
read more »PDC User’s Pub in Stockholm
The popular PDC User’s Pub event took place on 17 April 2013 at the PDC Center for High Performance Computing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
read more »NeIC hires two new coordinators
The NeIC is pleased to announce that Michaela Barth began in her position as Coordinator for Generic Technologies on 1 March 2013, and Joel Hedlund became Coordinator for Bio- and Medical Sciences Services on 1 April 2013.
read more »10 years of Nordic collaboration on e-infrastructure ensured
A historical milestone in long-term Nordic collaboration has been reached with the signing of a 10-year agreement on joint development of advanced IT-services for research. The agreement will be presented Wednesday 15 May 2013 in Trondheim where the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is holding a conference on e-Infrastructure.
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